I know I must write because of the thrill I get as soon the thought crosses my mind.

I know I must write because of the questions I had this morning as I walked past that bereaved woman.
I know I’m meant to write because of the countless times I’ve dropped whatever I was doing and rushed off to jot down a thought on paper.
I know for sure I must write because I’ve enjoyed no happier times than the times when I was writing.

Because of the thrill I get when I put pen to paper… Because of the way it feels when I tap on that keyboard… Because of the sheer excitement of ideas manifesting in black and white and sometimes maybe purple….I know I must write.

My writing is far from perfect…but nothing makes me happier than getting lost in it…
A million stories are yet to be told, a million truths yet to be uncovered, a million thoughts yet to be shared…this affirms that I am indeed meant to write.